How the contribution works
Do you have a business downtown? You are a member of the SDC Montréal centre-ville! At the beginning of the year, you will receive an invoice for your annual contribution, which must be paid in full by June 1st.Members must be in good standing to have voting rights at SDC meetings.
The basis for calculating the contribution is determined at the Annual General Meeting. It must be fair and transparent.
The contribution is calculated based on:
- the surface area of the premises occupied;
- the non-residential property value of the premises.
The minimum and maximum contribution amounts are also set at the General Meeting. Other factors may influence the annual contribution:
- the adoption of the annual operating budget;
- Montréal’s triennial property assessment roll.
Collecting the contribution
The city of Montréal handles invoicing and collecting the annual contributions. These are then transferred to SDC Montréal centre-ville.
If you have any questions about your invoice or a change of address, please contact the city directly at 311 (from the island of Montréal) or 514-872-0311 (from outside Montréal).

Frequently asked questions: SDC contribution
The information provided is for information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Also, the laws and regulations presented on this site are for administrative purposes only. Although every effort is made to keep these texts up to date, they may have undergone modifications that have not been published online. Please check official sources before using these texts for professional purposes.
All taxpayers who operate a business within the territory of SDC Montréal centre-ville are automatically members and so must pay an annual contribution.
The SDC organization is governed by the Cities and Towns Act.
For more information, see
SDC regulations.
Your contribution is used to finance the actions and initiatives of SDC Montréal centre-ville.
If you operate a business within the territory of SDC Montréal centre-ville, you are automatically and mandatorily a member of the SDC. The SDC organization is governed by the Cities and Towns Act.
For more information, see SDC regulations.
The basis for calculating the contribution is determined at the Budget General Meeting. It must be fair and transparent.
The contribution is calculated based on:
- the surface area of the premises occupied;
- the non-residential property value of the premises.
The minimum and maximum contribution amounts are also set at the General Meeting.
Other factors may influence the annual contribution:
- the adoption of the annual operating budget;
- Montréal’s triennial property assessment roll.
To find out how your contribution is calculated for the current year, contact
You are liable for interest and penalty charges in case of non-payment of your contribution. For information purposes, any payment received after the due date will incur interest charges calculated on a daily basis at a monthly rate of 0.75% and penalty charges at a monthly rate of 0.41%.
The due date is shown on your contribution invoice. Please note that no reminder will be sent if you pay your contribution in instalments.
Invoices are sent at the beginning of the year to the occupant operating the establishment on January 1st. Should the occupant cease operations on SDC territory during the year, there will be no partial or total refund of the contribution.
If you moved before January 1st, please contact as soon as possible. If you have moved during the year, you must pay your SDC contribution. There is no partial or total refund of the contribution.
If the contribution is less than $300, you must pay it in a single instalment. If it’s $300 or more, payment can be made in 2 instalments. Please note that no reminder will be sent.
You will receive an invoice at the beginning of the year, between the end of January and the beginning of February. Please note that no reminder is sent if you pay in instalments.
Contact as soon as possible. Changes can be made to a contribution over a maximum period of 2 years. However, there are administrative delays between the receipt of new information and its use for billing purposes.
While your request is being processed, we recommend that you pay your contribution to avoid interest and penalty charges.
Montréal centre-ville does not have a voluntary membership policy. If your business doesn’t have a downtown location, you are not eligible for membership.